Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Still Figuring This Out

Ok, so obviously I am not the best blogger yet. To give an update from my last blog the wedding was great!! I was able to sing for the big day which was such a praise! This was the first time Jordan and I got to put our musical talents together and it was so much fun! He played the piano while I sang. God has definitely blessed me with a wonderful husband who shares the same love for music as I do!

This past weekend was such a blessing for Jordan and I. In February we were able to attend the K-LOVE friends and family cruise with my dad and on it we met a couple who worked for Familylife. This couple was so kind to us and offered to send us to one of the Familylife's Weekend to Remember marriage conference whenever we wanted to go. So, this weekend we went to our first Weekend to Remember conferences and boy it was good. If your married and have never been I HIGLY recommend you attend one. Whatever state your marriage is in. To find if one is coming to you go here. We were so blessed to have such wonderful speakers who spoke the truth with such love and passion. It was a great weekend of good quality time for us, which is hard to do with all the craziness of life, and we don't even have kids yet! Anyway, hope you had a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. GORGEOUS pictures of you and Jordan Kels. :)
    I love your blog and miss you!
